The Proudest Blue: A Story of Hijab & family
by Ibtihaj Muhammad, S.K. Ali, & Hatem Ali
“Asiya’s hijabA head covering worn in public by some Muslim women as part of their tradition. More isn’t a laugh. Asiya’s hijabA head covering worn in public by some Muslim women as part of their tradition. More is like the ocean waving to the sky. It’s always there, strong and friendly.”
A story of two sisters excitedly preparing for the first day of school. Faziah is in awe of her older sister, Asiya, as she selects a beautiful blue hijabA head covering worn in public by some Muslim women as part of their tradition. More to wear. The book is beautifully illustrated and is filled with such warm sentiments about the power of sisterhood, cultural pride, and support from home to outshine bullying. You will walk away with a new appreciation for the custom of wearing a hijabA head covering worn in public by some Muslim women as part of their tradition. More as well as feeling inspired to learn more about the author.
Talk About It
- Have you heard of a hijabA head covering worn in public by some Muslim women as part of their tradition. More? Have you ever seen a girl or woman wearing a hijabA head covering worn in public by some Muslim women as part of their tradition. More? Take a few minutes to talk about that for those who choose to wear a hijabA head covering worn in public by some Muslim women as part of their tradition. More it is viewed as a way to honor one’s religion & cultureThe traditions, customs, arts, and achievements of a particular nation or group of people. More.
- Look at the sisters’ faces. What do you notice as they select a hijabA head covering worn in public by some Muslim women as part of their tradition. More for Asiya?
- Notice aloud how Asiya is a role model to her sister. Her hijabA head covering worn in public by some Muslim women as part of their tradition. More makes Asiya even more beautiful to Faizah. Comment that you think Asiya looks amazing and that a persons hair or clothing should not be used to make negative judgments about them.
- Do you think it was okay for the girl to ask Faizah about her sister’s hijabA head covering worn in public by some Muslim women as part of their tradition. More? What could the girl have said instead of “oh” that would have felt more supportive and accepting of Faizah’s answer? Talk about the fact that it is okay to ask questions as long as they are done with respect and not judging someone. Also, when you ask someone a personal question, you are asking them to make themselves vulnerable & they need to be shown kindness in how you take in their answer. An alternative to asking someone to explain themselves would be to bring your question home and discover the answer as a family.
- Why do you think their mom told them that the first day of wearing hijabA head covering worn in public by some Muslim women as part of their tradition. More was “important” and “means being strong?” Spend time talking about the fact that not all kids will understand why Asiya is wearing a hijabA head covering worn in public by some Muslim women as part of their tradition. More and may treat her unkindly. What does this make your child think or feel? What ideas do they have about how to be an allyA person willing to speak up or simply stand next to someone else (or a group of people) when they are being treated unfairly. An ally is also committed to learning and understanding more in order to help create changes. More for someone in this situation?
- Why do you think Faizah needed to see her sister? Think about the emotions she might be experiencing including worry, sadness, disappointment, etc. How did a smile from her sister help to make things better?
- What do you think about the boy laughing at Asiya? Talk about the beauty of diversityThis word simply means differences. It generally refers to differences in things like race, gender, religion, language, culture, or appearance. More & how we each have actions, traditions, etc that are unique to our family and/or cultureThe traditions, customs, arts, and achievements of a particular nation or group of people. More. These things should be valued & not laughed at. If your child witnessed this situation, what could they say or do to support Asiya and Faizah?
- What does their mom mean when she says, “But if you understand who you are, one day they will too?
- Look at Faizah’s face when she hears the boy on the playground. What is she thinking and feeling? Do you think it’s okay for a kid to treat another kid so meanly?
- Take a few minutes to talk about the beautiful advice given by their mother about not holding on to other people’s negative words. Do you think this would be easy/medium/hard to do? How do you think Asiya’s friends helped her to just run off and keep playing? What impact do you think it would have on someone’s self-esteem and happiness at school if they heard these kinds of comments repeatedly?
- How do you think the bond between Asiya & Faizah helps each of them stay true to themselves & feel proud of their traditions?
Explore More
- Spend some time learning about Ibtihaj Muhammad. Visit her website. Read about her: Ibithaj Muhammad-Saber Fencing; Olympic Fencer Turns Bullying into Children’s Book; or Don’t Be Afraid to Reject Someone’s Disbelief in You. Watch: My Rio Highlights; Open to Possibilities; and Ibtihaj Muhammad on Perseverance and Olympic Success.
- Read a bit more about Hijabs: Hijab Facts for Kids & Why & When do Muslim Girls Wear Hijab.
- Draw a picture, featuring the color blue, of something that’s inspired you from the book or learning more about Ibtihaj Muhammad.
- Make a copy of your picture & send it to Ibtihaj Muhammad along with a personal note.
- Create a family anti-bullying pledge & have everyone sign it. Share your pledge with friends & family and get them to sign as well. (Examples)
- Think as a family about what your child can say or do if they see someone being bullied for wearing a hijabA head covering worn in public by some Muslim women as part of their tradition. More (or for any other reason). Take time to role play these ideas in order to build children’s confidence in being able to take action when away from family.
- Research your school & school district’s anti-bullying curriculum. Does it include education about different religions, races, and cultures? Does it teach the value of diversityThis word simply means differences. It generally refers to differences in things like race, gender, religion, language, culture, or appearance. More? If not, contact officials to demand revision & expansion of the topics covered.
Brilliant ideas and a great overview of the book!
Thank you so much!